An Auction and Marketplace for Shipping and Cargo Containers

Buyer Features of

Maximum Bidding: When a buyer makes a bid they can enter in the highest amount that they're willing to pay for the listing. From there, our software will manage the bidding and keep their offer in first place; just high enough to keep them in the first position and only until their set amount is out bid. The buyers highest offer remains hidden and confidential to everyone buy them. In the event that this person is outbid we'll email them a notification to let them know.

Example: The current high bid is $100, but you're willing to pay $1000. When you enter $1000 as your maximum bid we'll bid $150 for you. If anyone else bids, we'll increase your bid to keep you on top. If someone bids $1001, you'll no longer be in the winning position and we'll notify you that you've been outbid.

Buy Now: Any listing with a 'Buy Now' button is available for immediate purchase. As soon as the first bid is registered, the 'Buy Now' option is removed.

Notifications and Alerts: All active accounts have the ability to schedule notifications. Notification are sent as soon as a listing is added, or updated, that meets the criteria of the buyer

Storage Days Included: The seller has the option of including a few days of storage into the price. The countdown timer on these days starts when payment is received, not when the listing is closed. This allows the buyer time to arrange to have the containers moved.

Reserve Price: The reserve price is set by the seller and is the lowest price that the seller is willing to accept. It's important to note that bidding can start at any amount above $500. However, if the auction closes and the reserve price is not met, the highest bidder may not have won if the reserve price was not met. If an auction closes below the reserve price the seller has the options to either relist the containers or contact the highest bidder offer the listing to them at their offered bid.

Invoicing: Shortly after the auction closes, or if you purchase the listing, you will be emailed an invoice with payment instructions and specific bank details. In some cases, you will pay the seller directly, in other cases you will be asked to pay ContainerAuction, Inc. The payment processing depends on the relationship that each seller has with ContainerAuction, Inc.

Ratings: At the close of any transaction, buyers and sellers are asked to review each other on three points: speed, communication, and accuracy.

  • Speed is for the overall speed of the transaction. For example, did the other party respond to questions quickly? Was payment remitted in a timely manner?
  • Communication: Did the other party answer questions clearly?
  • Accuracy: Was the listing as described? Did the condition meet your expectations based on the description?

Language Translations: In some cases, there may be slight differences in the translations of the website. The translations are provided for the convenience of our users and if there is any question or inconsistency, the default language is English.

Messaging: We encourage you to pass all communication through the messaging system on employees will never ask you to disclose any private information, nor will they request you to remit payment without a genuine invoice. If you feel that anyone is misrepresenting themselves we ask that you contact a ContainerAuction employee immediately.

Container Condition Grading: All listings are graded by the seller. If you have any questions we encourage you to contact the seller and ask them to clarify any points that you're unsure of.

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