An Auction and Marketplace for Shipping and Cargo Containers

20' Shipping Containers

22.06.2020 - Posted by Updated On 22.06.2020    

20' shipping containers are one of the popular shipping containers with shipping lines, leasing companies, and especially retail/secondary market users. However, each user has a different agenda for what they're doing with 20' shipping containers.

20' Shipping Container Dimensions

20' shipping containers all come in one standard size, and the weight can vary due to different materials and specifications.

Exterior Height

Exterior Length

Exterior Width

8' 6"



Interior Height

Interior Length

Interior Width


 19' 4" ft

7' 8"

20' shipping container

Tare Weight (Approx)

Max Cargo Capacity (Approx)





While there are 20' high cube shipping containers, they're a relatively new design and not as popular with shipping lines. This reason alone makes them harder to come by in the secondary market.

Commercial Uses

Shipping lines move non-bulk, palletized cargo in 20' shipping containers (bulk cargo being items that can be moved loosely, unpacked, and in large quantities - think grains, coal, gravel, etc.). Palletized cargo is anything from general consumer goods (clothing, electronics) to boxed paper and furniture. A standard 20' container is typically in seagoing use for around 15 years.

Secondary Uses of 20' Shipping Containers

20' shipping containers in secondary market, both commercial and residential, can get a lot more creative. The most obvious use is general storage, and you can load a lot of items into a 20' box. Many of the commercial/industrial containers that are sold are used at factories and on construction sites for on-site storage of seasonal materials or loose items that can easily be stolen when no one is at the location to keep a safe watch on them. Typically, things like generators, building supplies and tools or seasonal inventory overflow. 20' shipping container shed

Residential users enjoy buying shipping containers and using them at residential locations to store motorcycles, snowmobiles, and lawn tractors. The more creative ideas for shipping containers are converting them into garage space, wood working shops, and even modular housing blocks.

The commercial and secondary uses of shipping containers are limited only by the needs and ideas of the organization or person deploying the container. The marketplace can helps customers, both commercial and residential, buy 20' shipping containers around the United States and other parts of the world. To get started, search in the area closest to where the container is needed, and expand your search from there. If a 20' container can't be found in the needed area complete the request form and a representative will contact you directly.

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