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Container Modifications: Window Security

21.08.2023 - Posted by Updated On 21.08.2023    

Keeping a shipping container cabin or bunker secure is paramount to the overall function of the unit. On an untouched container, the least secure point is the doors. However, when you start to modify a shipping container the weakest point will most likely shift to the windows, but there are inexpensive ways to mitigate this, the simplest being a steel shutter.

If you've been reading our posts you probably know that we've been documenting the progress in a shipping container cabin that we're in the process of building. The first half of the cabin has been moved to the final location, and the second half will be delivered next week. One of the areas that we needed to address was security. Without going into too much detail, the cabin will reside on approximately 6,000 acres and be used seasonally by a major university. Given that windows are important to allowing both sunlight and air circulation, there was no way around them. However, there was concern about the windows being broken either by a person trying to gain entry into the unit, or by nature tossing hale, lightening, or other items at the container. The simplest solution was to install a steel shutter.

Now, before you rush out to Home Depot and start looking for a steel shutter save your time and money and think simple. You've just cut a hole in the side of a shipping container to install a window. The piece of steel that you've cut out is the exact size of the window you're trying to protect, so why not reuse it? For the cost of a couple of hinges and some type of clasp you can reattach the sheet of steel to the same hole and protect the window against anything that may be thrown at it. From a distance you people approaching the container may not even be able to tell that there are windows installed. shipping container shutters

The windows will need to be framed out with either angle iron or steel tube frame, and the hinges for the shutter can be welded directly to the frame. To hold the shutters closed you'll need to decide if you want the clasp on the inside, or outside of the container. Keep in mind that if the clasp is on the inside you may need to remove the window screen before unlocking the shutter. To hold the shutter open, and prevent it from being blown around by the wind we attached a short chain with a hook to hold the shutter open. shipping container shutters shipping container shutters

Shipping container window frames can be made on-site to meet your specific requirements, or they can be ordered, with or without shutter hinges, on If you have any questions or ideas regarding window frames, shutters, or other container modifications feel free to contact us directly and share your stories or tips.

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