An Auction and Marketplace for Shipping and Cargo Containers

Current Issues with Shipping Container Supply (February 2021)

12.02.2021 - Posted by Updated On 12.02.2021    

After a challenging 2020, 2021 is shaping up to give more of the same. With the COVID-19 crisis still looming over our heads, it appears that we are all starting to learn how to deal with the changes that are necessary to get on with life and business in uncertain times. Shipping container leasing and trading is not immune to the difficulties and changes are being made and adapted to in order to keep goods moving around the world.

Where have all the Shipping Containers Gone?

The containers are still around and visible in the container depots along any highway outside of almost any major city, but a vast majority of them are not for sale. During much of last year the container manufacturers in China temporarily closed due to forecasts of slowing demand. Rippling through the supply chain, shipping lines help off on selling the containers they own and extended the agreements on those being leased, thus reducing containers available in the resale market. Now that things global economies are picking up again the shipping lines are taking most of the production slots available in the factories.

shipping container stack

When Will Shipping Container Supply Return to Normal?

"Normal" being the operative word. Much of the world assumed that the COVID virus would be passed by now and we would be back to "normal", unfortunately that is not the case. It appears that the kinks in the supply chain are beginning to work themselves out, but it will be at least a few months to get everything running smoothly. The general answer to this question is "no one knows for sure". New and used shipping container supply remains erratic not only in North America, but much of the world; and there is no telling when it will calm down. is a worldwide marketplace of 20' and 40' shipping containers, and the active network of sellers that will do anything possible to find you the container that you need. If you do not see the cargo container that you need in your area just fill out the request form and someone will be in touch with you.

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