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Shipping Container Cabins

17.05.2014 - Posted by Updated On 17.05.2014    

Shipping containers are commonly used for portable storage units and modular housing components; and now they're also growing in popularity for conversions into cabins. Container cabins can either be purchased from dealers, custom built to your specific needs, or you can purchase plans and build the cabin yourself.

Converting shipping container to a cabin for hunting, fishing, or camping leaves a seemingly endless number of possibilities. There are multiple types of pre-built cabins available on the market, but if you have specific needs you may want to find a company that can create a cabin customized to your required features. Also, unlike standard wood frame housing, container cabins require more attention to certain areas, while less to other areas. Given the unique features of each product it's not possibly to list all of the features in one article.

Shipping container cabins can be constructed from 20' or 40' containers, and if multiple containers are needed floor plans and layouts can be tailored to the features of the topography and landscape.

container cabin 1

container cabin 2

container cabin 3

container cabin 4

External features of the cabin such as windows and doors can allow a lot of natural light; however they can compromise the security of the container cabin. If the cabin is located in an area where you'll be able to access it on a very regular basis you may be less concerned about security. Given that most cabins are in remote locations they will require some form of security or protection over the doors and windows. The two most common forms of window security are bars (or rebar) or steel shutters welded to the window frames.

Internal features of container cabins are where things can get interesting, and possibly expensive. Sleeping areas and bedding is the core feature of the cabin. If you plan on building, or having a custom cabin built, you'll need to decide the number of people that you'll need to sleep. Once the number of beds is determine you'll be able to divide the remaining space as required.

The remaining space is divided between kitchen/dining areas, bathroom space, and any other features that your cabin needs.
Bathroom space will require a shower, toilet, sink, and the necessary water services that will provide hot and cold water, and the kitchen space will require electrical services to power the range/oven and refrigeration unit.

Electric and water can be either on or off grid. On grid will require the ability to connect the container cabin to the conventional power grid. Water services can also be on or off grid. If you intend to use off grid water you'll need to construct a reservoir or holding tank with enough water to provide usage for any number of days.

Several of the sellers on work exclusively with container cabins and homes, and have a great amount of experience when it comes to building strong, secure, and energy efficient buildings. If you're in the market for a container cabin feel free to contact any of the listed sellers on the "shipping container cabin" page, or contact directly and we'll help to point you in the right direction.

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