An Auction and Marketplace for Shipping and Cargo Containers

Shipping Containers – What's the CSC Plate?

18.04.2022 - Posted by Updated On 18.04.2022    

On nearly every shipping container you'll find a CSC plate, or "Container Safe Convention" plate. The only purpose of the CSC plate is for shipping, so for the retail buyer there's little need or meaning for the plate. However, it does tell some of the interesting information about the specific shipping container.

The CSC plate is fastened to every shipping container by the factory at the time that it's manufactured, and typically is bolted to the outside of the left door of the container. If you're purchasing the container to use as a storage unit or other non-transportation purpose, the CSC plate may have been removed by the dealer.

Each CSC plate must contain the following information, in English or French:

  • The country of approval and approval reference
  • The date (month and year) that the container was manufactured
  • The manufacturer's identification number of the container or, in the case of existing containers for which that number is unknown, the number allotted by the Administration
  • The maximum gross weight in both kilograms and lbs
  • The allowable stacking weight for 1.8 g in both kilograms and lbs
  • The racking test load value

Some of the additional information that is normally included on the CSC plate is the owner of the shipping container and their contact information, the timber (wood flooring) treatment information, and when the container is first due for an inspection.

If you have any questions about buying and sell shipping containers or different uses for them, feel free to contact If we can provide you with any services, advice, or input on your project we're always happy to assist when we're able. Our current contact information is available on this page.

Shipping Container CSC Plate Shipping Container CSC Plate

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